Get involved
The RTG in NASC supports multiple efforts focused on research, education, and community-building, including workshops, retreats, seminar series, pedagogical trainings, and outreach programs. Information on them can be found below.
Seminars and lectures
The RTG supports the organization of research and teaching seminars, as well as several lectures by visiting researchers.
Workshops and conferences
The RTG supports the funding and organization of several workshops and retreats, as well as the participation of RTG members to conferences relevant to numerical mathematics and scientific computing.
Teaching and outreach
Rice University offers a variety of professional development opportunities related to teaching and mentoring for RTG postdocs and interested graduate students.
Entering mentoring workshop (R-STEM). Details TBA
Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE)
Graduate Programs, including the Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning.
RTG Teaching Seminar. Details TBA.
Student organizations
Society for Industrial and Applied Math (SIAM) Rice student chapter
Undergraduate NASC Club. Details TBA.
Summer high school programs
The RTG supports two outreach programs for high schoolers during the summer.
Summer Math Days: a fun and educational program for high school students entering grades 10-11. Application details here for summer 2024.
High school summer internship: this program aims to introduce rising seniors in high schools to numerical mathematics and scientific computing. Details here for summer 2024.