Research Training Group in

Numerical Mathematics & Scientific Computing (NASC)

This is the website of the Research Training Group (RTG) in Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing (NASC) at Rice University. This RTG trains the next generation of scientists in NASC and its applications, preparing researchers in computational and applied mathematics for both industry and academic careers. 


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We gratefully acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation under RTG grant DMS-2231482. This RTG was established in 2023, and is led by Beatrice Riviere (PI), Matthias Heinkenschloss (co-PI), and Jesse Chan (co-PI) from the Department of Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research at Rice University.

RTG trainee support under DMS-2231482 is restricted to US citizens, nationals, and permanent residents. However, any interested trainees may participate in NASC group activities if recommended by one of the grant's core faculty

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